President Elect Resources 2025
Introduction Summary
Being a Rotary Club President is an important position and it can be intimidating as you get ready to take on the responsibilities.  But as you prepare, the most important thing to know is that you are not alone.  Your District team and Rotary International are here to help.  This web page will be your central location for accessing the information you need to get ready.  The links and documents will be updated regularly.  Check here first for any information you need.
Here are some of the tools available:
President Elect Learning Seminar (PELS)
In addition to our District learning team, there is an entire group of Rotarians from across six Rotary Districts in northern NJ, eastern PA, southern NY and NY metro working on our upcoming President Elect Learning Seminar (PELS). The purpose of PELS is to prepare President Elects to be President and to help returning Presidents do an even better job.  For those who have been around for a few years, PELS replaces PETS, as Rotary moves from a training to a learning format.
The PELS program is interactive, allowing for discussion with your fellow President Elects.  After PELS, you are even less alone because of the friendship and support network you will develop.  PELS also has a separate curriculum designed for returning Presidents and Assistant Governors.  Many experienced Presidents and Assistant Governors  will also be attending PELS and you will be able to learn from them.
What to Expect:
  • Interactive Sessions: Engaging classes and discussions led by experienced Rotary leaders.
  • Key Leadership Skills: Learning how to build strong clubs, develop community impact, and engage members.
  • Rotary Resources: Access to tools that will help you navigate your presidential year effectively.
  • Peer Support: Connect with fellow Rotarians who are on the same leadership journey.
  • Informative and Inspirational Speakers: Hear from Rotary leaders about the status and future of our organization.

Featured Speakers

Find out more about our featured speakers.  Just click on their picture.
IMPORTANT:  You can download PELS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in the Download Documents box.  It will answer many of the questions you may have about the program.
PELS will be held from Thursday March 20 to Saturday March 22 at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany NJ, conveniently located in the center of our District.  Registration information is below.  The latest agenda is in the Links box.
PELS Preparation Sessions
So you can get the most out of PELS and are not walking in cold, our District Learning Team will be presenting learning sessions leading up to March 20.  We will start things off with a live kickoff dinner (FREE!) and social on Thursday January 30 in Madison.  That will be followed by online learning and Q&A sessions throughout February and early March.  You will get to meet your fellow classmates live and virtually as you start your preparation.  You will find the schedule and link information below.
Rotary Learning Center
In addition to the live PELS event, Rotary has created an online classroom, called the Rotary Learning Center, where you can take courses at your own pace and at a time that is convenient to you.  There you will find courses that will help prepare you for PELS, as well as follow-on courses that will help you throughout your Rotary journey.  The Learning Center is a great tool for all Rotarians and we highly recommend learning how to access and use it.  Details on how to access and use the Learning Center are below.
Key Dates for President Elects
Thursday January 30 @ 6 PM – 8:30 PM: President Elect Information Session and FREE DINNER (Live Event) at the Madison Community Arts Center, Madison NJ.  (Completed)
Monday February 3 @ 7 PM: President Elect Information Session (via Zoom).  This session is for Rotarians who cannot make the live session or if there is inclement weather on 1/30.  Sadly, you miss the free dinner and live fellowship.  (Completed)
Monday February 24 @ 7 PM: PELS Prep via Zoom - How to Inspire Your Club in 2025  (Pre-registration required - Link is in the PELS Prep via Zoom box)
Monday March 3 @ 7 PM: PELS Prep via Zoom - Rotary Foundation and How It Benefits Your Club  (Pre-registration required - Link is in the PELS Prep via Zoom box)
Monday March 10 @ 7 PM: PELS Prep via Zoom - How to Attract, Retain and Engage Members  (Pre-registration required - Link is in the PELS Prep via Zoom box)
Tuesday March 18 @ 7 PM: PELS Prep via Zoom - How the Public and Prospects See Your Club  (Pre-registration required - Link is in the PELS Prep via Zoom box)
Thursday March 20 to Saturday March 22: The President Elect Learning Seminar 2025 will be held at the Hanover Marriott on Route 10 in Whippany NJ.  That is conveniently located in the center of our District.   See the Links box to register for PELS and make your hotel reservation.
Tuesday July 1: The start of your year as Club President!
How to Access The Rotary Learning Center
At our January 30 live session and February 3 virtual session we will teach you how to access the Rotary Learning Center.  If you want to go it on your own, follow the instructions below.  It is not difficult.
To access the Rotary Learning Center you must have a My Rotary Account on the Rotary International website.  Your My Rotary account is not the same as on your Club or District account.  If you do not have a My Rotary Account, open the How To Create a My Rotary Account  in the Download Documents box and follow the instructions.  It is an easy process.
It is suggested that you access the Learning Center using the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.  Safari will work, but it occasionally delivers unexpected results.
Once you have a My Rotary Account, you can access your account from or  From the home page, click on Knowledge and Resources and then on Learning Center. Most of your PELS preparation courses are in the Club Leadership category.  If this is your first time using The Learning Center, we suggest you take the Getting Started course.  The link is below.
Getting Started in the Learning Center and PELS Preparation Courses
The links in the adjacent Learning Center Links box will take you to suggested courses to get you started on the road to PELS and your year as President.  We will list additional courses later, but these will get you started and comfortable with the Learning Center.
IMPORTANT:  These are direct links to the course selected, but you should be logged into your My Rotary account before you click on the link.  It makes the process easier.