Jeannie Tsukamoto                                             Bob Law
                                              District Governor 2024-2025                           District Governor 2025-2026
The Nominating Committee has selected Jeannie Tsukamoto, from Madison Rotary, to be District Governor in Rotary year 2024 – 2025 and Bob Law, from Blairstown Rotary, to be District Governor in Rotary year 2025 – 2026.  They both will assume positions on July 1, 2023, Jeannie as District Governor-Elect and Bob as District Governor-Nominee.
PDG Ray Freaney and PDG Brad Jenkins served as co-chairs of the Nominating committee.  Members of the committee were all past presidents and represented the six areas of our district.  Members of the Nominating Committee were Sally Goodson, Wallkill Valley, Susan Lubalin, Caldwell, Rick Rafferty, Denville, Aaron Mansbach, Edison, Gerry Russell, Roselle-Roselle Park, and Mary Jane Salvato, Somerville-Bridgewater. Click "District Leader" on main menu above to view Jeannie and Bob's bios.